Saturday, March 6, 2010


Little A knows how to say his name...

I have to say that after we'd named him, I began to wonder just how he would say his name. The other kids have had a hard time with the "R" sound, making it more of an "O" sound. Or the "SH" sounding like a plain "S" sound. So I wondered if his name would come out sounding more like a swear word...

Well, as you can see, we're safe so far.

Speaking of swear words...

I also have to say that I thought the words to the song I chose for Isaac's dance said, "Go out and smash it. Like all my cars..." I have since learned otherwise. So well, ummm... OOPS! My bad!

I will be the first to admit that I make mistakes. LOTS.OF.THEM. Every Day. Therefore I have taken his dance off the previous post until we can get a more edited version. PeACe.

{As of March 25, 2010...i've added the edited isaac video.}


The Andra Family said...

That;s so cute and I never caught the swear word in Isaac's music.

The Calico Crew said...

Asher's got a rapping thing going with the way he says his least I was feeling a beat.

The Johnson's said...

See what happens when you actually listen to words. I did not even catch it. Asher is sooo cute.

The Johnson's said...

I had to comment on the car seat cover. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

Ence Family said...

You need to have a comment spot on your other blog.....I love the car seat cover! It really looks cute...You did a great job!!