You may be thinking, "Sparkly Bread?" Let me explain. You probably know this delicious treat by another name...Amish Friendship Bread. My little kiddies like to call it Sparkly Bread because of the lovely, glistening, sparkly sugar on top.
A while back, my friend Misti, gave me a zippered plastic bag and a note. The zippered bag contained a mixture and the note contained directions for the mixture. Little did I know how much we all would fall in love with this bread. But, fall we did.
The note tells you to keep a "starter" for yourself, and then give the rest away to friends. At the end of the note, it also explains that if you give away all your "starters," you'll have to wait until someone else gives you another back.
Well, I've got to tell you...I cheated. I saved one of the "starters," instead of giving it away, and made more bread for my family. Then I froze it. So we could have some for later. Guess what? I also found out you don't have to wait for it to come around again. I found a recipe for the "starter" and some for the bread. This one is most like the one I received. It uses pudding.
Give it a try and give some away!