Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Pig

meet our pig. he's the black one with the pink feet.

last sunday my grandpa asked us if we wanted a pig. we said yes.
we haven't come to a consensus on the name, so i don't know what to tell you. i, for one, like pig.

i'd just rather not turn him into too much of a pet. i'm thinking that won't be too difficult, since he will be staying at my grandpa's.


The Johnson's said...

Rayn I am so excited for your new calling. You will be so awesome at that. I wanted to let you know we are going to do GNX on another day in Nov. because some of our ladies are going on a cruise. I will get with you on the date.

The Calico Crew said...

Porter wants to come see your pig today. Too bad I don't want to come see your pig today...but maybe someday!

Mubeen said...

That is so cool! My kids would love to see "Pig."

Saddie said...

I'm just glad grandpa refrained from asking if we wanted a pig too. Tomy might have thought that was a good idea. :)

Ence Family said...

Lucky you!! We got rid of our cows when my parents went on their mission. He's cute though and I am sure your kids just love it!!

The Heaton's said...

You have a pet! yea! I was thinking with all the building going on at your place you would build a nice little place for him to stay as well! :) We ate one of my pets (a steer) once! I remember being in tears! Probably a good thing it's at grandpa's!