Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Apple Pie Filling

We got these apples a week ago when we went up north. I've been wanting to make apple pie filling. We finally got started. I was worried we wouldn't have any apples left. EVERYONE in this family loves to eat apples!
This kids and I played Apple Pie Making Factory. We each had our own job:
  1. Aryn peeled the apples.
  2. Isaac ate the peelings.
  3. I cut the apples into slices.
  4. Zoe put the apples in the bowl. She helped herself to a few as well.
  5. Asher sat on the floor and made a mess. He also ate apple pieces.

We had a lot of fun together.

Later, I cooked and bottled the apples. This is how they turned out. We won't know if it worked until we make our first pie. It sure made the house SMELL delicious!

(Since this was the first time I've made this, I don't know how it will taste. The sugar melts, creating the liquid. Also, I will be more aware of the steam when adding the water. I may try a different order to things.)

Here's the recipe. I got it from my cousin Matthew's wife, Patti.

Apple Pie Filling
4 1/2 cups sugar
1 cup cornstarch
2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. salt
10 cups water
3 Tblsp. lemon juice
3 tsp. dehydrated lemon peel
10 lbs. apples
Mix all dry ingredients. Cook at medium temperature until it thickens and bubbles. Add the rest of the ingredients and apples. Heat through. Pack into jars, leaving 1 inch at the top. Process for 20 minutes. Makes 7 quarts.


The Heaton's said...

That looks soooo yummy! You are so good to involve everyone! Thanks for sharing the recipe!

Mubeen said...

It's making my mouth water! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

PS. Can I come live with you for a while so you can teach me all you know?! lol